Wednesday 13 January 2010

My home

In an attempt to distract my brain from the white noise of Humulin, Insultard, blood glucose and flipping diabetes I have been trying to clear out some space in our home. It has made me look at some of the quirky little things we have added to make our generic, semi-detached reflect our family.

So, first up is the tiny blackboard at the front door. I changed it recently from "fast and bulbous" (a Captain Beefheart reference) to the message below.

It's a message we all need at times.

Then we have our fab kitsch kitchen (kitschen?)! This is our cabinet of curiosities. Sometimes Frank sits up on the counter and sorts through all the bits and bobs. Every tiny item has a memory attached to it and we add to it all the time. One day it will reach a critical stage and heave itself off the wall, Buckeroo-style.

Above the fridge freezer is the Marmite and vintage tin museum.

And on the larder door, which is 100 years old and salvaged from a friend's house during renovations, is my mantra. Not really. I just liked it and presumed the answer would always be "eat a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich", which works for me.
And finally the corner of the kitschen where we can see the garden. Such lovely light comes in from here. It's my favourite room and I am at my happiest when cooking and listening to the radio or a talking book (Stephen Fry reading Harry Potter produces divine food!)

As an aside, I am just back from going over to Frank's childminder to inject him with his lunchtime insulin. This is the first time I have disrupted his day and he was less stressed than me about the whole thing! He was very high (26.2, blimey!) and I hope will be doing better when I pick him up.
Time to do some more sorting...

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